The HP 655A cartridges consist of the CF450A black, CF451A cyan, CF452A yellow, and CF453A magenta.
The HP655A cartridges are for use in the HP LaserJetEnterprise M652, M653, MFPM681, MFPM682.
The yields for the compatible black CF450A #655A is 12,500 pages, and for the CF451A cyan, CF452A yellow, and CF453A magenta, 10,500 pages each, same as for genuine cartridges.
HP's LaserJet Enterprise M653x prints great looking text and graphics, and ok photos, at a fast speed, but its running costs are on the high side—especially for such an expensive color laser printer.
By utilising high quality compatible CF450A black, CF451A cyan, CF452A yellow, and CF453A magenta printer cartridges, you greatly eliminate the cost problem.
A bundle of genuine black, cyan, yellow, and magenta printer cartridges offering a combined yield of 44,000 pages at a recommended retail price of $1,434.00 costs 3.26 cents per page.
For the same number of pages using the high quality compatible toner cartridges, at a retail price of $4719.00, the price reduces to 1.63 cents per page - or a saving of $715 each time you use a set of printer cartridges e.g. every 4 months amounts to an annual saving of $2,145.00 - go figure
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