How important is it to you for your grandchildren to see all the details in the photographs you print today?
We all know how important photos are to us and our family. If someone’s house is on fire in the middle of the night, and they only have moments to rescue their most important items, what gets saved – the family photo album. After all, it is an extension of our lives.
Although many of our images are stalled digitally (and make sure you have adequate back up in the form of memory sticks or removable hard disk drives which you update frequently), we print our best photos because they are easier to get (more accessible) when dear old aunty Nellie comes visiting. It can also get a bit crowded around a computer when there are also her 6 children with her (her hubby has gone fishing).
First thing to do to improve photo lifetime is to get the most suitable printer.
For the part time camera enthusiast, who often use their mobile phone for photography, then the ink-jet printer is probably the best way to go.
Printers that use additional printer cartridges beyond the Black, Cyan, Magenta, & Yellow, such as photo black, light cyan light ,magenta light etc are designed to provide more detail to the photo.
Canon printers such as the MP750, 760, IP3000, IP5000, etc that use the BCI6 inkjets . or the Canon MP500, 510, IP3300, 4200, etc which use the PGI5, CLI8 colours are photo orientated.
HP also manufacture the very highly reviewed Photosmart C310A, which use the HP No.564XL cartridges
If high photo printing quality is a serious portion of your print requirement then buy a Dye Sublimation Printer. They are printers that are used for photographic applications & graphic arts that are excellent at printing the finer detail. You should also get high quality paper which allows multiple layers of dye to fuse to the paper, making the prints resistant to water and dirt.
Second thing to get is high quality print paper of a glossy nature. Manufacturers will advise of recommended paper or provide gloss paper of a high standard such as HP Q8008A Advanced Glossy Photo Paper 60Sheets - 10X15cm borderless.
Two other important considerations for longativity of photos:
Maintain your printer such as vacuuming the internal areas for dust & regularly running it.
Keep you albums in a protected area such as the wine cellar, but don’t look at photos whilst imbibing – photos & red wine don’t go well together